It is universal that wearing seat belts keep safety, so the seat belts should never be overlooked whether in your car or operating a piece of machine.
Firstly, daily inspection of the seat belts should be part of your work. Is your seat belt fraying? If the seat belt is worn or damaged in any way, then it does not give adequate protection. So the seat belts should be inspected regularly to make sure that they are in safe working order.
What's more, check the date the seat belt was made. Generally speaking, around five years after that date, the belt should be replaced.
To keep safety, you need to wear seat belt whenever you operates a machine. Inspect the seat belt webbing for cuts, especially around the buckle and the end attachment hardware. The seat belt webbing should be flexible. If the webbing is cut or worn, the seat belt can break and cause injury.
Last but not last, check your anti-creep device. You must make sure that the plastic clip on your seat belt webbing will not loosen during working.